Posts Tagged ‘Jeremiah Wright’

The controversial pastor of Trinity United Church in Chicago has made the news in recent weeks, for reasons of which we are all aware. The essential question is where Wright went wrong. A former distinguished marine and “ideal” American has recently been quoted calling for the damning of the nation he fought to protect some 40 years ago. Wright’s connection to Barack Obama has definitely delivered him to the prime time spotlight, a position Wright appears unwilling to relinquish. He is effectively making use of his 15 minutes of fame bring negative attention to Obama’s campaign and benefiting himself in the process. Wright has a book deal already set up and he has made countless television appearances over recent weeks. I personally feel that what Wright is doing, causes the racial issue that Americans face today to become further divided. If we are to view each other as equals, racial comments that further seperate the races cause nothing but regression. It’s bad enough that our economy is in line for a regression. The former military medical assistant that tended to an ill President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1966, is sickening the American public and jeopardizing Barack Obama’s bid for the presidency.