I have come to the conclusion that a majority of Americans really are blind in one way or another. We live in a world today that holds each and every one of us prisoners. We are subject to the greed of our corporate equals and forced to pay out the nose for products that we have no choice but to depend on. When families decide they cannot have children simply because they cannot afford to raise a child with gas prices reaching outrageous rates, it becomes evident that something is very wrong. While the poor get poorer, the coffers of the rich overfill with the hard earned money lower and middle class America pays just to survive in a world overrun with everything that has ever been wrong. With entire neighborhoods being subject to foreclosures, who the hell can afford to purchase a piece of property? While the poor get shoved into shelters, the rich seem quite content with extending their acreage. The economic stimulus package which George Bush calls for Americans to use to reinvigorate the economy instead will benefit the oil companies who appear to have no problem taking candy (money) from babies (low/middle classes). Right before our eyes, the middle class is evaporating just as fast as the ozone is. We can all go green as much as we like but the reality is that there is a certain green that we have no control over. For our economy to get back on track, we must open our eyes and learn to become self reliant before we implode.


Who is this Barack Obama and how did he gain so much attention as a Presidential candidate as a first term senator? Barack Obama has inspired millions of Americans and along with Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, sparked a new political revolution in American politics. With his inspirational speeches, his talk of change and the break from traditional politics that he represents, Barack Obama has become the epitome of a successful American politician. The son of a Kenyan man and white woman, Barack Obama represents a new brand of politics and the progression of our nation.  A graduate of Columbia University and the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, Obama has an astounding record and is highly qualified to fulfill the nations highest office. A former Illinois state senator from the inner city of Chicago, Obama has risen from humble beginnings to one of the most respected people in the United States today. Not only has his Presidential campaign revived a weak American political interest, he is equally part of the most diverse and distinct Presidential race in the history of our country. While he has had his struggles during the campaign with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright controversy, Obama has shown both great strength and perseverance as his success continues resiliently.


Barack Obama has throughout his campaign against his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton inspired millions of people to join his side through his inspirational speaking and his call for change.  It is apparent that now the awe that Obama has inspired has contributed to his demanding lead in the delegate count over Clinton. With such a lead too strong for Clinton to overcome, it has become utterly clear that Obama has indeed locked up the nomination. I say this not only because every news outlet is reporting the same thing, but that Obama has demonstrated he can overcome pretty much anything thrown at him. All negatives that his opponents have mustered against him, have completely failed to negatively affect his campaign in any way. Sure, many people grew angry and weary at him over the Reverend Wright issue, but during Tuesdays primaries Obama proved he can still get votes. Obama should now set his focus on his Republican opponent, John McCain. Clinton still has a very solid opportunity at being named Obama’s Vice-President, although John Edwards or Bill Richardson are they most likely candidates.

Stop and Listen

Posted: May 7, 2008 in Uncategorized

This video does an excellent job at outlining the issues that our country faces and that while peace may be unattainable at times, it is the response for certain situations. The song by Buffalo Springfield blends so well with the video and has been widely regarded for years as one of the strongest anti-war songs. While war has its benefits at times, it should only be considered as a last resort. Feel free to comment your opinion on the video.
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The controversial pastor of Trinity United Church in Chicago has made the news in recent weeks, for reasons of which we are all aware. The essential question is where Wright went wrong. A former distinguished marine and “ideal” American has recently been quoted calling for the damning of the nation he fought to protect some 40 years ago. Wright’s connection to Barack Obama has definitely delivered him to the prime time spotlight, a position Wright appears unwilling to relinquish. He is effectively making use of his 15 minutes of fame bring negative attention to Obama’s campaign and benefiting himself in the process. Wright has a book deal already set up and he has made countless television appearances over recent weeks. I personally feel that what Wright is doing, causes the racial issue that Americans face today to become further divided. If we are to view each other as equals, racial comments that further seperate the races cause nothing but regression. It’s bad enough that our economy is in line for a regression. The former military medical assistant that tended to an ill President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1966, is sickening the American public and jeopardizing Barack Obama’s bid for the presidency.


As it stands, the Democrats are still undecided on who will represent their party in November. I feel like indecision 2008 may very well affect the Democratic party in the election. McCain will have had ample time to prepare campaigns against each candidate and the decision on whichcandidate should move on, may very well split the Democratic party. One way or another, we all know that one side is not going to be particularly happy and some people will decide not to vote. Both candidates are at each others throats, giving John McCain plenty of weapons to use come election time against both the successful candidate and the party. The idea of an election is to do what you can to assure your party a victory, not jeopardize your party’s chances. Whether we like to admit it or not, it is now time for a single candidate to be named as the Democratic nominee.

A Real American Hero

Posted: May 3, 2008 in Uncategorized


Too often today, society tends to look up to those not worthy of our admiration. Our media glorifies stars who cannot stabilize their own lives, let own positively affect the lives of others. So I ask all of you, why do we honor those that dishonor our country. The real American heroes, those serving in the armed forces and in various other integral positions, are neglected the honor and media coverage they truly deserve. Too many lives are lost every day on foreign soil to give me this very opportunity to speak to all of you on my blog. The American Dream is an unmistakable freedom, which too many take advantage of at the cost of our dedicated service men and women. They defend our country not for the fame and publicity that our “beloved” stars receive, but for the opportunity to spread the American Dream beyond our soil and to defend the people of our great nation. I write this evening to spread the story of Marine Sergeant Merlin German, who in 2005, was injured in a Humvee attack and received burns covering 95% of his body. With all odds against him, German survived and has undertaken over 100 surgeries to get him in a stable condition. However, German has passed away as a result of complications after his latest surgery. The face you see above, is the face of a true American hero. In no way, can this post or any post for that matter, do any justice to the great service this man has given this country. For those of you that admire the people we call “stars”, I urge you for the sake of your own integrity, to reconsider your own values.


I made this post earlier on my other blog, but decided it was a strong enough topic to include over here for discussion. Today everyone seems to have a take on health care. Hillary Clinton was universal health care but seems to want to make it mandatory that every US citizen has some sort of health insurance. Barack Obama is also for universal health care but is against making such insurance mandatory. Senator John McCain has today said that he does not want “big government” health care and that he wants families to make health care related decisions not our lovely government. The bottom line is that Americans need health care right now. With gas prices soaring, uninsured Americans will find it even more difficult to pay hospital bills in the future. However, universal health care will not come cheap. Taxes will of course raise to offset the money the government will be pouring into this system. After all, take a look at Canada and expect slightly similar results here in America. The bottom line is that we are in debt right now and universal health care is not going to do very much to reduce our deficits to say the very least. We need to balance the pros and cons and determine whether or not universal health care is worth implementing. May I also mention, universal health care equals higher gas prices, which in turn means higher everything else. With this in mind, what’s your take?


Going into the 2008 election season, everyone began saying that the elections was the Democrats’ to lose. After 8 years of George Bush, a failing economy, a stagnant war and gas prices soaring past the International space station, surely the Democrats would make easy work of any Republican candidate right? Wrong, at the present moment the Democrats are too busy doing all the Republican Party’s work for them. The Democratic Party’s two main candidates are at each others throats while John McCain soaks up the sun, plays some golf and watches everything unfold. Some people say that having both candidates still in the race is a good thing, perhaps in some ways it is. For one, the campaign has shown us thus far that the Democratic Primary process has more holes in it than a piece of Swiss cheese. I find it hard to believe that even some leading Democrats know the rules. The real reason they are afraid to pick a candidate now is because they know the impending disaster that awaits them when one emerges. After all, too much of a good thing never really works out. By August, when the Democrats name a candidate, John McCain will have an agenda planned against each candidate. They are of course aiding McCain by digging up dirt on one another and tarnishing the very name of the party the represent. On another note, you cannot blame Clinton or Obama directly, as they both have the right to continue their campaigns. The Democratic Party really is to blame as they are proving to be indecisive at the most crucial moments. As a Democratic myself, I just hope that the party gets their priorities in order in time for the election.

Are We Serious?

Posted: April 23, 2008 in Election 2008


It seems as though our media and even a good portion of American citizens are living in a fantasy world where we tend to nit pick on the stupidest things. An issue arose the other day dealing with the sport coat of Barack Obama which lacked a small American flag pin. Of course the media has every right to scrutinize Obama over his absentmindedness because we all know that a flag pin is the only way to show that we are patriotic and love our country. I hope you caught the sarcasm in that comment because to me whoever broke that story deserves to be laughed at. With gas prices soaring and troops dieing on a daily basis in Iraq, it makes sense how Barack Obama’s “bare” sport coat makes headline news. Are we serious, with all thats going on in the world, we make note of something so irrelevant as this? I assume the next time Hillary Clinton gets her hair done, there will be a big article about it in the paper the following morning. We really need to get our priorities straight and give the media a nice slap across the face for pouring nonsense into real American integrity. If an absent flag pin is unpatriotic, perhaps I should ask those employed overseas fighting for our country to wear a pin to embellish their patriotism.