Archive for May 15, 2008


I have come to the conclusion that a majority of Americans really are blind in one way or another. We live in a world today that holds each and every one of us prisoners. We are subject to the greed of our corporate equals and forced to pay out the nose for products that we have no choice but to depend on. When families decide they cannot have children simply because they cannot afford to raise a child with gas prices reaching outrageous rates, it becomes evident that something is very wrong. While the poor get poorer, the coffers of the rich overfill with the hard earned money lower and middle class America pays just to survive in a world overrun with everything that has ever been wrong. With entire neighborhoods being subject to foreclosures, who the hell can afford to purchase a piece of property? While the poor get shoved into shelters, the rich seem quite content with extending their acreage. The economic stimulus package which George Bush calls for Americans to use to reinvigorate the economy instead will benefit the oil companies who appear to have no problem taking candy (money) from babies (low/middle classes). Right before our eyes, the middle class is evaporating just as fast as the ozone is. We can all go green as much as we like but the reality is that there is a certain green that we have no control over. For our economy to get back on track, we must open our eyes and learn to become self reliant before we implode.